
New EMS Training to Deepen Learning (Section 2) (summer 2021)

Ended Jun 16, 2022
1 credit

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EDCI 5959-65Z summer 2021.  New EMS Training to Deepen Learning and Improve Engagement and Assessment Practices for Online Learning - Jeannette McCoy.  August 23, 2021-June 8, 2022.  Natrona Virtual Learning Center, Casper, WY.  This course is for NVL staff who will be using the new Pearson EMS and working with students and families throughout the 2021-2022 school year.  This course shell on WyoLearn is ONLY for the purpose of purchasing credit. If you would like to take this course from Natrona County School District, please go to and register for the course there.  CRN 31474.